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English stories 3

Tento příběh napsali Štěpán Jákl a Tereza Bušková.


This story is about a young woman. Her name is Jane. Jane didn´t have a boyfriend and so she decided  to try to find someone in advertisements.


 She bought some newspaper and found an interesting offer. She wrote an  e-mail which was in advertisement. She started mailing with a man. He was called Bob. They arranged a date in a dancing party. They both love dancing. Before the date Jane combed her hair - she wanted to look really pretty. Bob wanted to  look very well too. He spent two hours in his bathroom. They enjoyed very good evening together singing  karaoke. The next day Bob cooked the dinner and invited Jane.


Jane and Bob got married after thirty years. (the picture number twelve) Jane and Bob watching TV in their house.


| Autor: Denisa Lamačová | Vydáno dne 18. 06. 2009 | 1882 přečtení |
| Počet komentářů: 708 | Přidat komentář |
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